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CSS Font Family


This property is used to provide a list of font families.

CSS font-family

This CSS property is used to provide a comma-separated list of font families.

This property can contain multiple font names as a fallback system, if one font is unsupported in the browser, others can be used.

There are two types of font-family names in CSS:

  1. font family name: Arial, New Times Roman etc. Each font family name must belongs to one of the following generic families.
  2. generic family name:
    • serif
    • sans-serif
    • cursive
    • monospace
    • fantasy

Multiple font names are provided as a fallback system if one is unsupported, then the next can be used.

The generic family name of the font must be placed last in the list of font family names.


#p1 {
  font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
  color: Red;
#p2 {
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  color: blue;
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